Hyperactive Dog Training

Everyone likes a happy dog, to watch them run around the dog park with their tongues lolling out of their mouths, eagerly racing around in circles with other dogs or catching frisbees and chasing squirrels. They jump and bark and rejoice in existing.

The problem occurs when this exuberance does not end at the dog park. Many owners have to take that same hyperactive, jumping, barking, licking bundle of adorable and frustrating fluff back home. These are the dogs that pace anxiously in the backseat of the car, going from one window to the other, possibly nosing his/her way up front and distracting the driver with licks and energy. This is the dog that bounds into the house, making it impossible to keep breakable items below three feet anywhere in the home. This is the dog that counter surfs, jumps on guests, chases his/her own tail, barks in excitement at passersby, and has broken/torn/excitedly peed on too many personal items to count.

But there is a way to calm that dog down, and that’s through proper in-home dog training. Hyperactive dogs are fun at the park but exhausting and destructive at home. What’s more, there is often an underlying cause of anxiety in this level of hyperactivity. Dogs, even domestic ones, crave the strict structure their ancestors knew as part of a pack. There were unspoken rules and boundaries, and if a dog stepped out of line, the leader would quickly give them a reminder. Without a leader giving them instructions and setting guidelines, dogs often can’t decide what to do with themselves. They burn off that nervous energy by acting like maniacs.

Certainly, hyperactivity (to a degree) is acceptable in certain settings, like a dog park. Again, we all love seeing dogs happy and energetic! But in the home, they should be able to obey simple commands to prevent them from racing with muddy paws through the house, chewing on shoes, barking at neighbors, and bowling over visitors.

I can help you provide this reassuring structure to your dog, easing both of your stress levels at the same time, while still keeping your dog happy and healthy. To learn more, give me a call today at 800.649.7297.